Friday, April 15, 2011

Equal rights may come one day soon

A recent blog posting by Kelsey Scott,  a young conservative in support of gay marriage,  gives hope to people like me that one day, soon, I will be able to marry the man I love.  It is like a breath of fresh air to hear self-identifying Republicans coming out in favor of equality contrary to their party guidelines.    

Kelsey makes the comment that the Republican party is Christian and uses religion as their basis for denying equal rights to a minority population.  In their Texas party platform they have stated that "homosexual behavior is contrary to the fundamental, unchanging truths that have been ordained by God."  This is the same type of religious zealotry that occurs in the Middle East that so many Republicans are against.  When anyone uses the Bible as a source for their bigotry against gays it is hypocritical.  The book of Leviticus,  that is so often cited by Christians,  contains passages against eating shrimp, getting tattoos, mixing threads in a garment and setting a price for selling your daughter into slavery.  If you are going to reference the Bible in your hate against gays, you must also also accept slavery.  Why are there no religious campaigns to outlaw tattoos or picket lines in front of seafood restaurants?  Why do the Christians who oppose gay marriage get to pick and choose which parts of the Bible they want to follow?  Some of the Biblical arguments used against gays are the same ones that were used to condone slavery, oppose interracial marriage and denying women the right to vote.  As Kelsey says,  the Republican Party is “pushing Christianity."  Listen up Republicans, separation of church and state is a good idea.

Ms. Scott also debunks the Republican platform where they state that homosexuality “leads to the spread of dangerous, communicable diseases.”  She says, rightly so, that homosexuals will still exist but just won’t have equal rights.

Times are changing.  Kelsey identifies herself as “in the Enterpriser typology group which is classified as being 81% Republican, 18% Independent,and 1% Democratic.”  She is definitely more that 1% Democratic, as shown by her blog, and she follows in the footsteps of some other staunch Republicans who have come out in favor of equal rights including family members of big name conservatives such as Bush, Cheney and McCain.

Kelsey, thank you for your understanding and mature ideals.  Hopefully more people like you will see the light and understand that allowing a person,  like me,  to marry the person they love affects the couple and not the state or nation at all.  Kelsey,  please plan to vote and vote often; I want your voice to be heard.

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